Sunday, January 18, 2009

12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women week 2

Its week 2 and the secret is all about honoring your inspirations. The chapter talks about having a space of your own and that is something that I already have. Gail Meekin goes on to talk about making the time to receive inspiration and also about setting up rituals to foster this. I tend to find my inspiration while spending time in nature or when I am really quiet and contemplative. Or sometime I will be doing something totally different and then an idea comes to me totally out of the blue. Its almost as though as soon as I stop thinking about a problem and let it go the solution comes to me.

The one thing that I don't think I do is have rituals before I start to create. I will enter the room where I am going to make art and shut the door and sometimes play music and all they could be considered rituals but they don't seem to be anything special to me. I think that I would like to incorporate a ritual that is more meaningful. Something that will say to me now you are a creative mode.

What kind of creative rituals do you use?


Lisa said...

I had a writing teacher who gave me this one, which is simple. Just to light a candle at the writing space, not for any spiritual intent necessarily, but because you set your intention to remain at that desk... because you can't wander away from a lit candle (at least not with 3 rambunctious cats.) I use it when I am feeling fidgety. But I too want to find some other more meaningful ritual.

Dagboekdingen said...

I think you don't have to create new rituals. You already have a beautiful one. By shutting the door, you are leaving the rest of the world outside en step into the world of creativity. Do this consiously and maybe wisper something like "I'm entering my world of creativity".

Anonymous said...

I think shutting the door and playing music is your ritual. If it helps trigger your creative mood/time, makes you feel a certain way, then its your personal ritual.

My own is very similar and very simple. I light incense on my altar, and maybe a candle, and put on some music that I love... and go from there.

Connie Carpenter Macko said...

as long as you are creating - that's the important thing! isn't it wonderful how things can come to us when we least expect it? that happens to me too... the trick of course is remembering the perfect solution until I can get back to the project! thank you for sharing with us!