I am back and I will let the secret out now. Remember when I wanted to go to the Writers Spa in Taos last year. Once I made the choice it had filled up and I was so disappointed. Well it came up for me again. I listened to a telecast about it and it sounded so wonderful and my desire to go again just flared up. I sat and thought oh how can I pay for this. I spent my tax money to go to Sedona and then my little voice said. Do you believe in the Law of Attraction or not. Its time to start practicing what you preach. So before I went to Sedona I submitted some of my writing and my application to go. I had an email when I got on line this morning that I have been accepted as a participant. I have no idea how I am going to pay for this but I am positive about the whole thing. I know its going to happen and I will have the money to go and it will change my life.

I will be staying
here. It is a gorgeous place. I have always wanted to see New Mexico and Taos particularly so I am psyched about this whole event. Here is some information about the
Taos Writers Spa for those of you interested.
I will post about Sedona later, yes it was wonderful.
I'm happy for you Kate. I've never been to New Mexico, but my Aunt is talking about buying a place there ...somewhere and I hope to visit her one day if she does it.
Welcome back! And congrats! You will make it happen, I know it...
Congratulations, Kate! I think this will be a life-changing event for you. I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see what happens for you there. Whoo hoo! Love and exciting possibilities, O
Congratulations Kate.
What a great opportunity.
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