I did manage a trip to the river yesterday. I brought Flynn and we had a nice long walk. Here he is taking a drink. Usually that means he gets in the water to get his belly wet and sometimes more. It really was a beautiful day for a walk.
Here is the Art I did yesterday, I am still going through the book on drawing realistic faces. I tried noses, lips, ears and hair. I find it easy to follow their lead. It may be another thing when I try to draw a real person. I think the next step will be to try and draw from a photograph.
I was working on my mermaid and it really looks awful so I have painted over it and will start again. Maybe I need to approach it differently. Maybe do it in watercolor or just collage one. I have the weekend to finish and be happy about it.
I got the Heart book in the Mail. This was a book I was involved with after meeting Elise Buskey at the Artnest Retreat. Some of the copies will be given to artists at Art & Soul in Portland next week. I had mine mailed to me since I am not attending.
Look how fat this book is! It is really incredible to say the least. There are 34 different artists in this book who did both from and back pages. I'd love to show it to you but to uploaded 68 pages will be a bit much. I will bring it to Sedona, those who are going to the gathering will at least get a chance to see it.
The Heart book looks neat. i'm always amazed at the amount of work that goes into these projects.
Flynn looks like a lovely dog. My next door neighbour's dog is called Flynn.
I can't wait to see that Heart book in person! It looks amazing!
Your facial parts drawings are great too....what is the book called again?? I have issues doing noses, hands and sometimes eyes!
You and Flynn at the river, what a great place and a great companion to be there with!
Your drawings are great!! Did I miss the name of this book? I like doing faces but haven't done any for a long time. Maybe I need to brush up on technique.
Love the nature that surrounds your home. Flynn looks happy near the water..
I like playing about with scribbles, yours are so clear and crisp.. :)
PEace, Kai xx
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