Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Beyond Dyeing

It been 4 days since I started dyeing and 21 pots later I am done. I think that is plenty for a respectable showing at the fair. For awhile it seems like all I dyed was purple and orange. Its funny that I have 4 color ways with an orange base to them. It no surprise there is a lot of purple but I do try to do different things sometimes. I have the next 2 days to get the house cleaned and for all those other miscellaneous things that need to done for a show. I think I will make it. I have most of the stuff ready for my classes. I need to get to the copy shop and get the loom ready. I think I will do that on Friday after everything is done. I have 4 friends coming to stay too so I need room cleaned out for that and so forth. At least Sarah has gotten most of her stuff put away.

Sarah got a job at Linen and Things and she starts tomorrow. I need my car so I will driving her to and from work until our truck comes back from the shop. Then she can drive that.

Still thinking about Claire and wished they were something that I could do to help. It is so hard feeling so helpless. Sending thoughts of healing her way.

I know I still have not reported on my trip but I will soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip. :) I do hope that you don't feel rushed to tell us about it or anything Kate though. Wonderful post!

margene said...

Looking forward to see you this weekend.

Lisa said...

The scarf your friend made from the fiber you dyed is really beautiful. I'm really fascinated by the whole dyeing thing. I know you'll get everything done and be able to enjoy your time at the booth.