We took the trailer and Dave and I camped at the KOA in town while Sarah stayed in the dorm. Here is Flynn all comfortable in the back seat on the way up there.

Orientation was jammed packed for 3 days. I haven't walked so much in a long time. We got to see the campus along with Sarah's dorm room, yes its small but still nice. She is in one of the dorms where most of the honors college students live so that will be nice for her. We got to meet all the Deans of her various interests and heard about all the various programs they have to help kids adjust. It was great. I kept telling her that she should stay home and I will go to college again. It seems so much better than when I went to school. They have the most impressive fitness center, it really made me want to work out. I thought I took tons of pictures but a lot of them were not worthy of showing here.

I call this the clock tower building, I can't remember its name

Here I am right in from of the Griz statue on what is called the Oval. Its a big area where the kids play ultimate frisbee and there are plenty of spots to sit and relax. it is the perfect meeting place.

On thursday night they held a carnival and gave out prizes. Sarah won 50.00 that was put on her school debit card. Now that was sweet. Here we are at the carnival playing Texan Hold em, Look at all that money that Sarah has.
We took a side trip to Victor Montana and walkied the RedSun labyrinth. It was so nice and peaceful. A nice way to end the trip. I did not take any pictures this time but I have some from last year. Blogger is being funny, it doesn't want to let me post them. I will add in a new entry instead of fighting it.
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