Friday, January 04, 2008

A surprise in my backyard

Yesterday I looked out my back window and saw this. I think we now have a resident owl. This is a Great Horned Owl and its been in my yard before. It stayed there for hours.

A few days ago we headed up to the Camas Wildlife Refuge and to see if we could see any eagles. They were too far away or soaring so it was hard to get pics. We saw about 6-8 bald and golden eagles. Then we drove around the refuge and saw a porcupine, coyote, White tailed dear, and these two critters. Pictures taken by D.

This is a Barn owl we saw sitting on a gate. I had never see one of these before so that was pretty exciting.

This immature bald eagle was high in a tree above us. We watched him for quite some time.

Back to drawing.

I drew this lady sitting in bed. Sharon at All Norah's Art has been giving Art tips for the 12 days of Christmas and she did one on lips. She says the upper lip is always darker so I gave that a try and of course she is right. I will be practicing this some more. I have been trying to do eyes a little different too. Then I guess I will be tackling noses and different hair too. Maybe by the end of the year I'll be happy at what I can draw.

Quote of the Day: "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France


Janet said...

What a cool visitor! I miss being close to nature and seeing lots of birds and animals. We get birds but nothing like that!

I am enjoying Sharon's tips, too. I think your lady is quite good. My faces are usually weird looking! Just as my hands are. Maybe I should give up on doing them....or practrice a lot more.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing site!!!!! An OWL! That's a hoot! NO PUNE intended!
The drawing that you did is wonderful Kate! Thanks for sharing all of this with us! I hope that you had a wonderful new years!!! *HUGS*

JoyceAnn said...

Kate ,
Your drawing looks perfect to me. The lady has that look of disappointment , although that might not be the look you were trying to get , you truly captured that essence.

The owl is beautiful , haven't seen one in awhile.