Saturday, July 15, 2006

Celestine Prophecy

Just saw the Celestine Prophecy It turns out our art council was showing the Celestine Prophecy for free so I got to go tonight. The producer Barnet Bain and one of the financiers Dave Kingston gave a talk and took questions after the film. It turns out Kingston is from Idaho Falls and put up the money or some of the money at least for the film. He said the book had changed his life so he wanted to finance the movie. He and Bain have been friends for years. They did not know if the film would ever get to Idaho Falls and since they were both in town they gave a free showing. I think that is pretty awesome. I thought they did a great job with the material. It makes me want to re-read the book. It had a very notable cast that did an awesome job. See it if you get the chance. If it does not come to your area I do know that they are in negotiations with Sony on a DVD and it will probably be out around christmas time.

Dyeing Update:

I have 5lbs of wool dyed, gee only 15 to go. So far I have 1 lb that I really do not like at all, I did dye an orange /yellow color way that I really like. 2 of the blue/purple ones I did are almost identical and then one came out dark navy with a little too much undyed for my liking. It always like that in the beginning before I am really comfotable dyeing again. I want to do some greens next.

Dave set the stove up in the garage so I have moved my dye studio in there. I really had to clean the place up, it was a disaster so I spent most of the day hauling stuff up from the basement. My calves are really feeling it now. It should be easier dyeing out there. I won't have to climb up and down all those steps a trillion times. I hope to get most of the dyeing done in the next few days. Sometime it is the packaging done that takes forever. I need to allow time for that and time for other things I need to do before retreat. I need a new ink cartridge for the printer and a new battery for my calculator, new sales books. The list of things I need to do keeps growing on and on.

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