Friday, February 09, 2007

Wow what a book

This came in the mail and oh its wonderful. It will take some time to absorb even half of it. Some books have enough visuals but not much explanation or thought provoking narrative and some are too wordy with not enough visuals. This book has a great balance. I will be inspired for a long ti with it. I can't wait for a block of time to spend with it. Then of course my friend Violette is in it, that makes it even better. If you are hesitating buying this book. don't its amazing.

Now its back to cleaning the house. I have 8 people coming over tomorrow to participate in the waulking or fulling of the blanket. Of course I am not ready so I am off to finish vacuuming up all those tiny threads.

Quote of the Day: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched but must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller


Pam Aries said...

I will look at that book next time I go t B&N! ..Uh.. I had to go look up Hobo spiders on the net! Ewww....

Tinker said...

Is that the one Violette's in? I was going to order that, and had forgotten - thanks for the reminder!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I have this book too, I've been reading every word. It's very interesting to read the various stories and see the art/instructions from them.
Fun to see the couple pages Violette had in there.