Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I hate computers

This weekend Dave bought a new router thinking that was the problem. He could not get it to work at all. He put the old router back, figuring we could just connect by ethernet cable and now that does not work either.

So today I took my laptop to the Villa Coffee house to see if I could connect there and nothing happens once more. Both our computers are doing the same thing, we both have HP laptops, that is why we figure it was the router. I am my friend Amy's house now and it will not work here either. I think we may call the Geek Squad to fix this because we are running out of ideas. It is so annoying...


Julie said...

Oh, I just hate computers too, and my daughter is so far away. If she were home she could help me. I hate laptops even worse - will not use one. Yes, I am a luddite.

Laritza said...

From what you are saying it sounds like a firewall issue. I would call the router support and have them guide you through it. Make sure that the computer is detecting the signal, just open network connections and if it is detecting the signal then set it to connect automatic. If the computer is detecting the signal and you can not browse then it IS a firewall problem. Those can be fixed from Start-Control Panel-Windows Firewall. If it is not the windows firewall then it is either the router firewall or the anti-virus software firewall. I know all this does not say much but it might help .