Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Dinner for Breakfast

I am dragging today from the acupuncture treatment. I should have something to eat but I am tired of breakfast food. I mean the kind that is simple to make. If I took the time to make crepes or something like that it would be great. I have no ambition though. So I am having goulash, or dinner for breakfast. I do like sometimes to make breakfast for dinner. waffles especially. It myn ight to cook at the mens shelter and they usually have us cook breakfast. When there is left over food we get to eat too. Since I know I will have breakfast for dinner I think it is only right that I have dinner now.

Its down to the wire so I really have to weave. I worked a little late last night and then broke 2 warp threads, crap that is so annoying. I have to have a towel ready Friday for an auction item so I do really have to get to it. Why do I always wait till the last minute...

I was reading Misty Mawn's blog this morning and she has a wonderful narrative on how she sees herself. It is a very interesting read> It made me think of the advice I took from Marianne Williamson on rearing children. When you think of a vision you have for your child all grown up think about what kind of mother would that person have had and then be that person. That was one of my philosophies when I was raising my daughter. I think it worked pretty well. Now I am at that stage where I think what kind of person do I want to be for the rest of my life. Now is the time to take those steps to become her. I want to be a creative risk taker who lives life fully. One who follows her dreams and goes for it.

I have had several people write me and say "You should go to Jennifer Louden's writers spa". My first thought is oh not this year and then but I have to submit 5 pages of writing to sign up and that would scare me to death. I have never shown anyone what I write, too afraid it will be awful. Then of course the 1570.00 cost plus expenses for getting there. Then I hear my friend Julie saying to me "never let money be a deterrent to doing something you want to do". Oh crap, could this be possible? Then if I believe the secret really works this is a minor issue. So now I am at least thinking about it and the possibility of doing it. You'll all be the first to know if I do go.

Quote of the Day: "Feel the Fear and do it anyway".


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

why are we so afraid? and I say WE because I am afraid too....afraid of taking chances, afraid "it" will be terrible, afraid I won't know how to go about something..and so on. WE have to stop the fear Kate, WE have to as you say, live life fully. WE have to follow your very apropos quote my friend! I will, if you will! lol!
Think about that spa!!

KaiBlue said...

Oh you have to go for it Kate.. life here is too short not to chase dreams, smooche fear under a boot and go for it!!!!!
To quote Lisa, not think about the spa.. but THINK SPA!!THINK SPA!!
peace, Kai.

Anonymous said...

I love flipping how you are "supposed" to eat.

Lisa said...

I am completely convinced that even thinking about it is a big, constructive, productive step! You're really inspiring. I love your philosophy on raising children.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

I had to come back and tell you we are having breakfast for dinner tonight! :)